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brundal 4:55 Fri Jun 9
Plastic glass thrower’s
Lets hope the mugs ( no pun intended ) that chucked the plastic beer glasses don’t get us a away fans ban in the Europa next season, it took a lot less to be banded from Rapid Vienna

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Side of Ham 7:17 Fri Jun 9
Re: Plastic glass thrower’s
No I don't idiot, but you always post on here like a shit stirring Spurs fan so you must really be gutted......

Mike Oxsaw 7:13 Fri Jun 9
Re: Plastic glass thrower’s
VickyPkVillageIdiot 6:59 Fri Jun 9

Utter bilge.

What shook the Italians up was us going in hard early doors - taste of their own before they got the chance to do it to us.

I was surprised we didn't pick up a couple of bookings before Benni's dive, to be honest; we never let them settle. That's what shook them up.

VickyPkVillageIdiot 7:13 Fri Jun 9
Re: Plastic glass thrower’s
You sound gutted we won, Gammon?

Side of Ham 7:11 Fri Jun 9
Re: Plastic glass thrower’s
Idiotic thing to say....they had a goal disallowed, and scored a great equaliser.....didn't shake them up at all.....may have stopped them cheating though, as they didn't seem to go down poleaxed as much.....

VickyPkVillageIdiot 6:59 Fri Jun 9
Re: Plastic glass thrower’s
Dare I say it, that proper shook the eyeties up. Gave us a bit of edge.

Lily Hammer 6:47 Fri Jun 9
Re: Plastic glass thrower’s
Chucking empty beer glasses is harmless, almost a friendly way of showing disapproval. No worse than throwing paper airplanes, though I’m not trying to claim any of that is ok.

It was all about the vape. Really stupid, and caused a nasty cut on the bloke’s head.

Good shot, mind…..not ok….but good shot.

Westside 6:46 Fri Jun 9
Re: Plastic glass thrower’s
Finals should be played in bowls like the London Stadium where the cups wouldn't get as far as the pitch!

Or where cups aren't even allowed into the seats.

Mike Oxsaw 6:21 Fri Jun 9
Re: Plastic glass thrower’s
zico 5:55 Fri Jun 9

Perhaps they were media (darling) plants, given tickets and instructions to "liven things up a bit"?

, 6:19 Fri Jun 9
Re: Plastic glass thrower’s
Throwing plastic cups and such is an expression of disapproval ( not an uncommon sight in Italian football ). Throwing something that could maim is an act of cowardice imho.

What interested me was that one minute their captain was writhing about on the ground feigning injury and the next he is manning up to having his bonce cut open.

Steady 6:10 Fri Jun 9
Re: Plastic glass thrower’s
I don’t think the vape caused the injury, it was one of the plastic cups. Bloody good shot, not that I’m condoning it BTW

zico 5:55 Fri Jun 9
Re: Plastic glass thrower’s
I just find it fascinating that only a couple of weeks after West Ham fans were finally praised in the news a handful of idiots performed such actions as these. If Fiorentina fans had done that to Rice for instance I am sure we would all be shouting for the guillotine! Maybe Finals should be played in bowls like the London Stadium where the cups wouldn't get as far as the pitch!

Mike Oxsaw 5:49 Fri Jun 9
Re: Plastic glass thrower’s
If grassing these twats - sorry, PROPER West Ham fans - was the price to be paid for avoiding sanctions in Europe next season. would YOU do so if you knew any of them?

Chairman Alf 5:09 Fri Jun 9
Re: Plastic glass thrower’s
I totally agree. There were also many of us shouting at them to stop. Unfortunately, beer was being served in these cups throughout the match and the supporters were allowed to drink from them while watching the match. The biggest idiot was the vape thrower who had caused the injury.

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